
There’s a real urgency to grow our membership to include all licensed programs (day home, not for profit, and private operators) in order to show the government that we will not agree to a CWELCC agreement that puts our programs at risk and decreases quality.  AACE helps us take action to educate the public and government about the real impact of CWELCC upon our families and staff.

Many operators have already expressed that their programs have decreased significantly in value and quality since signing into the agreement and this will only get worse when the cost control framework comes into play next year and they aim to further control our income and expenditures. This will have many negative outcomes for the children, families and educators at our programs. 

Join Now
  • Licensed Day Home Provider Membership


    $100 per year


    1. Access to extended health and dental benefits package, including additional insurance policies such as loss of income, illness and closure.

    2. Professional advocacy around salient childcare concerns via CIPR Communication, our Public Relations Firm.

    3. Access to Lunch & Learn presentations.

    4. Access to general membership updates, current government relations, and policy briefings.

    5. Private Zoom member meetings for first-hand updates with key government officials.

    6. Access to all AACE social media pages (General Facebook, Members' only Facebook, General Instagram).

    7. Access to Members' only WhatsApp chat.

    8. Monthly newsletter.

    9. Access to templates, letters, resources.

    10. Access to discounts and specials offered by AACE Service Providers.

    11. For an additional cost, membership can also include Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) membership: yearly cost of $120, which can be added to the Day Home Provider membership fee.


  • Not for Profit Supporter Membership


    $200 per year



    1. Access to extended health and dental benefits package for directors and employees.

    2. Professional advocacy around salient childcare concerns via CIPR Communication, our Public Relations Firm.

    3. Access to Lunch & Learn presentations.

    4. Access to general membership updates, current government relations, and policy briefings.

    5. Private Zoom member meetings for first-hand updates with key government officials.

    6. Access to all AACE social media pages (General Facebook, Members' only Facebook, General Instagram).

    7. Access to Members' only WhatsApp chat.

    8. Monthly newsletter.

    9. Access to templates, letters, resources.

    10. Access to discounts and specials offered by AACE Service Providers.


  • Private Childcare Operator Membership


    $375 per year


    1. Access to extended health and dental benefits package for directors and employees.

    2. Membership includes Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses (CFIB) membership: yearly cost of $113.40 included in AACE membership fee.

    3. Professional advocacy around salient childcare concerns via CIPR Communication, our Public Relations Firm.

    4. Access to Lunch & Learn presentations.

    5. Access to general membership updates, current government relations, and policy briefings.

    6. Private Zoom member meetings for first-hand updates with key government officials.

    7. Access to all AACE social media pages (General Facebook, Members' only Facebook, General Instagram).

    8. Access to Members' only WhatsApp chat.

    9. Monthly newsletter.

    10. Access to templates, letters, resources.

    11. Access to discounts and specials offered by AACE Service Providers.


  • Service Provider Membership


    $1000 per year


    1. Connect with our childcare membership to support your business via a listing/ad space in our service directory.

    2. Networking with our childcare membership, including presentations about your business offerings.

    3. Monthly newsletter advertising feature.

    4. Business profile featured on our "Service Partners" tab of AACE website.

    5. Advertising allowances on AACE General Facebook page.


  • National Membership (for operators across Canada)


    $25 per year


    1. Private Zoom member meetings and webinars for collaboration and advocacy at a National level.

    2. Access to National Members' only Facebook.

    3. Access to National Members' only WhatsApp chat.

    4. Access to AACE templates, letters, resources.

    "Canadian Childcare Champions: United for Sustainability and Quality," is a vibrant community dedicated to advocating for the expansion and enhancement of childcare services across Canada. 

    As childcare operators, we understand firsthand the critical need for more spaces and the unyielding demand for high-quality care that supports our children's development and well-being. This group serves as a powerful platform for sharing resources, strategies, and successes. Together, we aim to elevate the conversation around childcare, influence policy change, and collaborate on innovative solutions that can make a real difference in the lives of Canadian families. 

    Whether you're looking to exchange best practices, stay informed about legislative developments, or connect with like-minded professionals committed to making high-quality childcare accessible to all, you've found your community. 

    Let's join forces to create a future where every child and family in Canada has access to the care and support they deserve.


There is public policy urgency; these next months will be critical to influencing the implementation of the upcoming agreement.

Any shareholder in a licensed commercial centre can become a member of AACE. We encourage every owner at your centre to become a member. The more members, the stronger the voice!

Thank you to all of our current members for your continued support.

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